
Slayer, is there a way to track the demon that marked Hiiro-san?

[Answer. Affirmative. You can use the skill and use it to see and track the residual connection the demon left on Hiiro Wakaba."

If my understanding is correct, the residual connection should the way for the demon to track the person it marked.


Very well.

Hiiro-san has a skill as well. Maybe he should use that.


How should I ask him in a way that won't reveal I already had a glimpse of his skills?

That's it!

"Hiiro-san… do you have a skill that lets you see spiritual residues and auras?"

That should do it right?

"Hmm… I think I do."

"Great! I have a skill that's something like that as well. Why don't we use it to track the demon that marked you and find the demon you're after?"

Wait, aren't the two just the same?

Never mind. Nobody's pointing it out anyway.

Aaand he looks convinced. I guess that's a good thing?

Activate .

Instantly, my sight switches and I can suddenly see auras all over the place.

My actually has a lot of varieties and each variety is unlocked every time I level up. As of the moment I have five since the skill is at level five; seeing ghosts and spirits, detecting auras, zooming in, seeing things via x-ray and night vision.

It's all really helpful.

I focus my sight on my companions and wow! Everyone have impressive auras, especially Hiiro-san. But then again, he is already in level fourteen.

I will soon surpass that.



Speaking of… most of Hiiro-san's aura seems to be concentrated around his eyes.

"April-kun, you have as well?"


[Notice. Generating [Major Mission].]

Huh? All of a sudden?

[Mission Title: Assisting Detective Hiiro Wakaba]

[Mission Details: Detective Hiiro Wakaba has asked for yours and your friends' assistance. Help Detective Hiiro Wakaba in locating the demon he is after.]

[Time Limit: 24 hours]

[Failure to complete the mission will result to blindness and loss of motor functions for 12 hours.]


At least we have twenty-four hours. I think we can find the demon within that time.

I hope.

As much as I dread the [Penalty Zone] because of its inhabitants, the penalty for failing a [Major Mission] is scarier. I definitely don't want to be blind and be paralyzed for twelve hours.

[Mission Rewards: Hiiro Wakaba's Recognition and Kyoto Metropolitan Police Department's Sector Zero's Recognition.]

[Mission Rewards (System): <20 EXPs> <10 SPs> <2 AP> <50 LPs>]

Oh yes! Let's do this!

Sylvia, Klint and Shizu end up going home so they can inform Sakura-nee what we're up to. Sylvia and Klint were a little hesitant but it's also a fact that the two does not have a confirmed useful skill for the situation and they definitely need more training.

Hiiro-san, Nik and I start tracking the thread that's attached to the detective. The thread is faintly glowing in light green aura and I have the feeling that the demon will use that to find Hiiro-san.

The question is why?

Why did that demon mark Hiiro-san?

Slayer, do you have any ideas?


Hmm… I'll find out about it later.

"Hiiro-san, can you tell us anything about this demon?" Nik asks which made me immediately perk up my ears.


"Don't say you can't reveal it because it's confidential or because we're not part of Sector Zero. We're currently helping you and if we ever come face to face with it, I don't think it's a good idea that Nik and I are ignorant about it."

"Fine. Eh April? How did you know about Sector Zero?"

Shit! He never said anything about it when we decided to help him!

"Uhm… Sakura-nee told me?"

It's not a total lie. She did tell me Hiiro-san is a detective that handles the supernatural. As for how I knew Sector Zero, it's because of Slayer.

"I see."

He actually bought that?

Thanks I guess.

I suppose Sector Zero is some sort of sector in the police department that handles the supernatural.

"So? Are you going to tell us?" I ask.

"Fine. But this remains between the three of us."


"As I said a while ago, the demon is from the west. We're not sure of its origins but it's somewhere in Europe. Why it's in Japan, we don't know either but after its arrival it has killed twenty individuals both humans and non-humans, both innocent and not. It seems to not discriminate when it comes to its prey."


I know I said I shouldn't stereotype but hearing that is still a little unsettling. Sure I killed people back when I was still April Nera but most of them were due to self-defense and the rest are casualties. And besides, I know it's not really any consolation but I've never killed anyone innocent.

Then when I became April Frost I was more focused in dealing with the supernatural than human affairs.

"Do you plan to kill it?" I ask again, my tone a little edgy.

"We wish to capture it and interrogate it, and then let the Reapers handle it. But if things go south, then yes, I'm killing it."

Reapers? Sounds ominous.

[Answer. A supernatural force in this world that maintains the balance between the supernatural and human societies. They ensure that the supernatural stays hidden from the humans as per the ancient law.]

Eeehhh. Sounds like those people from that one anime I watched back in my previous life. What were they called again?


V*nd*ce! They ensure that the mafia does not break the Omerta! [1]

If only they exist in my previous life.

Back to the situation at hand…

I suppose it's the reason why the supernatural stays hidden and any incidents involving it is covered up. Do the Reapers only take action in big events?


I see.

"Do you think the Reapers will interfere?"

"I'm not sure. They're an unpredictable bunch."

Thought so.

Hmm? I feel like we're getting closer to the one we're looking for.

Activate !

I can sense the aura connected to Hiiro-san. It's only a few yards away from us!

Wait… The demon is not alone! It's surrounded by three other demons! More sinister and more dangerous demons!

"Hiiro-san, how many demons did you say you were tracking?" I ask.

"Just one."

"Just one?"

"Yes. Why… is there something wrong?" he asks as well.

"April?" Nik calls.

"I can sense four demons a few yards away from us. One of them, the weaker one, is the demon that marked Hiiro-san."

"Where did the other three demons come from?" Nik questions.

I'm wondering the same thing.

"I knew it." Hiiro-san suddenly says.

What's he on about?

"The demon we encountered in Tokyo is too weak to have been the one with corpses on its wake. It makes sense now!"

Well, we should probably do something because according to my skill, that demon is too weak and the three sinister demons have it surrounded.

"Let's get into action then."

Hmm? Did I say that out loud?

Hiiro-san! Don't just suddenly run off!

Nik and I immediately follow Hiiro-san towards where the demons are.

Seriously, these foreign demons are despicable. They're bullying the weak.


Why are they even in Japan?