Shizu’s Dilemma

We didn't find out much with our initial investigation on the church. It was the first church to where the first missing nun was from and we could see the signs of struggle and combat within it, but we found no traces that could lead us to the culprit. One thing is for sure though, whoever abducted the nun and killed the priests were powerful.

According to the reports I read about the case, the nun and the female teenager was taken on the night of the new moon, but in different places, and nobody really saw the culprits. The fact that two people were taken at the same night in different locations was what made the case complicated. Not only did the first investigators not find the connection of the case on the first try, but nobody really pinned the abduction of the teenagers to the supernatural.

That was until the third abduction.

The police had been keeping an eye on churches and schools where the abductions seem to happen. That's when they saw it with their own eyes. According to them, the third missing nun and the third missing teenager were taken by someone with bat-like wings and red eyes.

My first thought when I read that was demons.

But since there was no follow up report, I still can't tell.

I just hope those abducted ladies are still alive.

After washing up in the hot bath, I put on my clothes and start heading to the door, but I can hear voices just outside my door so I stop.

They seem to be talking about someone.

"She actually has the guts to return here after everything that happened!"

Are they talking about Shizu? What is their problem with Shizu?

"I know right. If it wasn't for her, mistress would still be alive and the eldest young miss would've been the priestess just as she was prepared to be."

Oh… I see the problem now.

Nik did say that a dispute happened when Shizu was chosen as the Tachibana Family priestess. I suppose it has something to do with the family's mistress and eldest daughter, Shizu's older sister.

I'm not a nosy person, but I can't help but be curious. After all, Shizu is someone I now consider family.

I open the door abruptly, startling the gossiping ladies outside. They seem to be the maids of the household, and from the looks of it, they're the kind who loves to gossip about their masters and probably just about anyone really.

"Mind telling me the details?" I ask.

If they can just give me some sort of- hey! Why are you guys running away!

Aaaaand they're gone. Great. Did I scare them or something?

But then again, they've been gossiping instead of doing their job, and their masters' guest saw them, so I can understand why they suddenly scrambled away.

Still. That means I have no answer to my confusion.

"What got your knickers on a twist?" asks Nik as he sits next to me.

I'm currently in the room that I share with Nik. Apparently since I'm a kid, I can room with the older ones and Nik was chosen to be my roommate. Not that I mind. As long as Nik can endure my sleeping positions later in the night.

"I want to know what happened to Shizu and her family." I say with a pout. "I may look like a kid but I do notice it you know?"

He sighs. Why is he sighing? And what's with the smile?

"I figured it would be like that. Sakura-nee did say you're quite a sharp boy."

Don't call me boy Nik, I'm older than you.

"You really want to know?"

"Yes. I can't stand the looks people of this house are giving her. And I definitely don't like the things I hear."

"What did you hear?" asks a new voice.

Shizu! What is she doing in our room?

"April, what did you hear?" she asks again.


Fine. Let's just do this then.

"I heard some maids say how you have the guts to return here, and that how your mom died because you became the priestess instead of your elder sister."

There's a pregnant pause, and I hate it.

Wow, I just realized I'm a very talkative person. Mentally at least.

"They're not wrong, you know."

"What do you mean?"

"It's… going to be a long story. And it's soon time for bed."

"I don't have a time for bed. Just lay it on me."

"You're a gossiping little child you know?"

Hn! If you only know.

"Where to start… Well, I'm not a legitimate daughter of this family. My mother is my father's mistress and the madam of this house hates me, or hated me rather. I was brought to this house when my mother died and that's when things turned out of their favor."

It turns out that the mistress of the household had been grooming her eldest and only daughter to be the priestess of the Tachibana Family. As per tradition of the Tsuchimikado Clan, a young maiden of every family under the clan will be chosen to be a priestess and become the handmaidens of the high priestess, the leader of the clan.

Sakura Tsuchimikado is the current high priestess.

A priestess is also known as a vessel, whether for it's a god, a weapon or a demon, the priestesses will seal those powers within their body and become a respected member of the main family.

However, during the ceremony, the mark of the god Raijin went to Shizu who was only watching on the sides. The expectant family became distraught at the sudden turn of events and the mistress of the family was outraged.

It was a mistake in her part though. Shizu was chosen to become the vessel of Raijin, so the power of the god will protect her no matter what.

The outraged woman died after she tried to kill Shizu. Since then, everyone in the house alienated her and did not give her the respect the chosen priestess of the family should have.

In summary, Shizu lived a tough life.

"Sakura-nee took me when I was thirteen and I have been staying with her since then. Unlike the other priestesses, she had me stay in Plum Blossom Mansion because back when I stayed in the ancestral residence like the other priestesses, my life was put in danger many times."

"Not to mention Raijin is a powerful and unpredictable god." Nik adds. "Whenever she's in danger, the power of Raijin within her also acts out, so everyone around her also falls in danger."


"So… these people hate you." she nods. "Then why did you agree to come with us in Okinawa?"

What are you smiling about?

"Okinawa is the Tachibana Family's jurisdiction April. As the priestess of this family, whether they like it or not, it is my responsibility to oversee this area with the head of the house. The recent missing case of nuns and teenagers is something I'm not going to turn my back on."

And despite all those, she's still loyal to her duties. What a young lady.

"Any more questions April?"

"No I don't, but Shizu."


"If I hear them talk bad about you again and they're near me, don't expect I can hold myself back."

Eeeeeehhh? Why is she laughing? Nik! Don't join her!

"Sure thing April, just don't go overboard."

Okay… Maybe she's not all that okay about it either if she's willing to let me hurt the members of the Tachibana Family.