Of Churches and Investigations (I)

Calm yourself April. Metatron… Metatron is one big enigma that suddenly showed up to rattle your world. So…

Ugh. Not helping.

Still… an Archangel of the Lord huh.

I have never been a religious person, even back then, but now I got the interest of an archangel.

A freaking archangel like the ones in those stories or that one TV show I forgot the name of.

My mind is actually cramped with a lot of questions like:

How does he know about the [Heart of the Primordial]?

How does he know the more enemies I defeat, the stronger I become?

And most importantly, how does he know about me being April Nera and April Frost at the same time?

Is it because he's an all knowing archangel? There is also one thing he said that bothers me, well he bothers me in general but there is one particular thing… he said he can't wait to see what kind of events he will transcribe because of me.

That's just creepy and I can feel the chill in my spine.

"-ey brat!"



Oh it's Gio with a look of shock on his face, and the priest that greeted us, who's now on the floor.

Shit! I just judo-flipped a priest! I'm probably thinking too deep that I didn't even notice their arrival! And when I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder my instincts just kicked in! That was totally not my fault!

"The hell Gio! Don't sneak up on me like that!" I exclaim at the older male.

I see him twitch an eyebrow but did not retort in the same manner.

"Lord Paladin, who is this disrespectful child? Calling him with your first name?" asks the priest as he stands up and rotates his shoulder, checking if it's not broken. I do hope nothing did break.


Who are you calling disrespectful child?

Calm down April. Apologize to the nice priest since you technically almost injured him.

"Uhm… I apologize for that. You startled me."

I said that but my expression probably did not fit the words I spoke since the priest is looking at me with a raised eyebrow. Did I somehow screw it up again? He does not look impressed. So much for first impression.

"He's a brat that's for sure. Don't bother with him, he has a bit of an attitude problem, but he is currently my assistant so we will be doing our investigations together. Plus, he did try to apologize, even though he looked unwilling to do it. I hope you'll forgive him." Gio says in a calm manner.

Wow. What an adult! Gio is usually as short-tempered as me, but he's very cool and calm as he spoke with the priest. Is it because they're from the same organization?

"You may leave us here Father Bautista." Gio says in a calm manner.

"Very well. If you need anything, do not hesitate to call for me."

"Thank you."

The priest leaves us but he suddenly glances at me and glares.


"What's up with you? I've been calling you for like a bunch of time but didn't even respond. Then Father Bautista tried to get your attention but you threw him over your shoulder." he huffs and gives me a look of disbelief. "I can't believe a thirteen year old can do that."

"I'm no mere thirteen year old." I retort.

"So? Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?"

Ohkay… Why is he acting so nice towards me? It's creepy.

"Ghosts are something I see on a daily basis, you're going to have to be more specific."

He's looking at me strangely. Like he's studying me, my expressions to be specific and it's almost as creepy as when Metatron held me jaw in a very tender manner.

"Right. You can see ghosts on a daily basis. Why not? So, are you going to tell me what got you thinking so deep you didn't even notice our arrival?" he asks, this time he looks serious and I can already guess he will not be taking silence as an answer.

He is the paladin alright. The aura he's emitting is no joke.

"It's… complicated and private."

"Private huh. Then, does it have something to do with our business here?"

Hmm… Does it? I mean, Metatron did say he'll answer some of my questions if I succeed in this mission, but I don't have to share that to Gio, do I?

"Not really. But if it makes you get off my back, I sensed the residual auras of demons and yokais."


Okay, he didn't have to shout.

I start explaining about what I saw, thankful that he didn't pry further on what I consider as private. He seems to accept it, which I am very surprised about.

"I already had my suspicions. What you said just confirmed it."

I see.

"So it really is a combination of yokai and western demons." he says.

"From what I saw yes."

"Let's check the other places and then try to guess what we're dealing with."


Should I ask Gio? I mean, he won't wonder why I'm suddenly asking about an archangel right? I mean, he works for the church, the Vatican; don't they serve the same God as Metatron?

"Uhm… Gio?"

"Look kid, I know you have an attitude but it's really not proper to call someone older with their first name. What happened to Mister di Angelo from earlier this morning?"

Oh… So it's actually bothering him.

"Well… You keep calling me brat and demon sympathizer. I think calling you Gio is much better than the other names I've thought up for you."

"See, a brat?"

I'm not sure if he did that on purpose, or did he just accidentally speak out what's on his mind?

"Fine. I'll call you by your name, but you have to call me in another name. Probably something fits being your elder."

Being my elder huh… He will probably not stop talking about it if I don't comply with that one thing. And if he won't, then I will not have an answer to my question.

But what should I call him? Lord Paladin?

No, I'm neither his subordinate nor his diehard fan.

Mister di Angelo?

Nah, too formal and I don't feel like being formal with him even though he's the most powerful warrior the Vatican has.

Big bro-

Don't even think about it April. True it will annoy him but it will also annoy you. Plus, he's too old for that.

Then… Ah! I just have the good name1

"Uncle Gio!"

"U-u-uncle Gio? No, no, no. Pick something else. You can't call me Uncle Gio. I refuse for you to call me that. Mister di Angelo from this morning is fine." he says but he's blushing, like he actually wants to be called 'uncle' but his dignity is telling him not to.

See? It's annoying him.

"So Uncle Gio."

"What?" he grumbles.

Well at least he accepts it now. Ha!

April; one. Uncle Gio; nil.

"Who is Metatron?"

He looks at me weirdly, like I have grown two heads or something.


"Why are you asking?"

"Just curious. So, who's Metatron?"

"An Archangel of the Lord."

I already know that.

"Although he's not that known." he adds.

Now that one I did not know.

"What kind of archangel is he?"

"Hmm? According to the scriptures, Metatron is the Archangel that is also appointed as the celestial scribe or the 'recording angel'."

"Recording angel?"

"Yep. He's tasked in recording on whatever unfolds whether it's in Heaven, Hell or Earth."

No wonder Metatron said those words. He is actually the angel appointed to record the events that goes down into history.

"Have you ever met him?" I ask again.

Why are you giving me that look? I'm not insane okay?

"Met him? We barely meet angels, much less an archangel of such rank. Are you sure you're okay?"

Ohkay… Rude.

"I'm fine Uncle Gio." cue the flinching. "Let's go to the next scene of the crime, Uncle Gio!"