Xenos Family


I can't believe the Vatican Council and the Pope actually agreed to let Ferigo go! But of course, a lot of conditions were discussed for it to actually happen and I'm pretty sure Sakura-nee pulled a lot of strings to make it happen.

There's one thing I hated about their decision though.


A few hours ago…

"The demon is now set, but as for the boy… how is he able to make a master-servant contract with a demon king at such age?"

I wanted to retaliate about my age but I'm pretty sure it will only make things complicated.

"He is a dangerous one. One last condition before we end this trial." offered one of the robed councilmen. "We would like to assign an observer from the Church to watch over April Frost."

"Excuse me?"

"He has a contract with a powerful demon and something seems off about him. Who's to say he won't use the power of a Great King of Hell on his own twisted ways?"

"I assure you he's not that kind of person." Uncle Gio defended which actually made me smile.

"But it is better to be sure. Maiden of the Stars, what do you say about that condition?"

"Very well. If it makes you sleep better at night."

Back to the present…


I never even got the chance to say a thing since they immediately adjourned the trial turned meeting. If I were to summarize everything that just happened, I gained a servant, whom I still have to grill for information, and a stalker, which I still find unsettling.

"Man up April. It's the only way you could've saved Ferigo and yourself from their clutches." says Sakura-nee as she takes a sip on her tea.

How can she be calm about this? I having an observer mean letting someone from the Vatican close to her! I may not know how being an onmyouji works, but I'm pretty sure each faction and branches of magic makes sure that no outsider can take a peek in their inner circles!

And Sakura-nee just did that!

"Don't worry. I can handle it. Besides, the observer will be so preoccupied with you he or she won't have the time to observe me."

What's that supposed to mean?

"So? You got Ferigo out of harm's way, but why did you want him out of harm's way? I supported you and even pulled out the Maiden of the Stars card to help you, but you never really said anything close to the reason why?"

"It's because I want to know something. Ferigo!"

Said demon is on his knees, waiting patiently for my orders like a butler would. Or at least the same as those anime I previously watched.

"Yes young master."

"Don't call me that." I growl at him, obviously annoyed.

"You will not let me call you 'My Lord' or 'Master', at least let me call you with a title fitting for my position as your servant."

Guess this guy's a tough nut to crack on that department.

"Fine. Ferigo, tell me how you and I got into a master-servant contract? I don't remember initiating or accepting anything with you. You bit me and I blacked out."

I am met with silence.

Eh? Why? And why is he looking at me like I just said something outrageous?

"You master, do you perhaps do not know the blood that runs in your veins?"


"No. I grew up in an orphanage, my childhood memories are a bit hazy and I never met any relatives."

Now that one's true for both Aprils.

"Very well. Young master, you carry the blood of the Xenos Family."

Hmm… I'm pretty sure I've heard that name before…

"Any demon that tastes the blood of a member of the Xenos Family will be under the Blood Pact. The members of the Xenos Family are what we call Demon Masters, a term of those that can make demons be under their control. Their medium is their blood. Demons with the Blood Pact are essentially subordinates, servants, slaves to the Xenos Family. The more blood that demon consumed, the more control that member has."

[Demon Master]. I remembered receiving a notification from Slayer about receiving such a title. Hmm. Didn't I also receive a <>?

"This," he folds his sleeves and shows a tattoo, no a mark on his elbow; a spider-lily inside a circle. "This is the proof that I am under the Blood Pact of a Xenos Family member."

"Wait. Is the Xenos Family some sort of demon tamers or something?"

"No young master. The Xenos Family is a prominent family of demons in Hell. The High King, Lucifer Xenos, who rules Hell, is always from that family. They are favored greatly by the god of demons, Satan."

Oh my gods! This is turning more into occult by the second! Lucifer? Satan? Seriously?

My life as a Mafia successor candidate sounds more appealing than this.

"But from my knowledge the last Lucifer Xenos, Lucifer Xenos XIV, vanished approximately three hundred years ago without leaving an offspring so the entire family died out. Finding someone with blood connection to the Xenos Family in the human realm means the family can be revived and peace can be restored in Hell!"

There's peace in Hell?

I really want to ask that out loud but I think it's a bit insensitive to do so.

"So basically, right now I'm your master because of the Blood Pact brought by being a Demon Master. Does that mean I'm the offspring of your great High King Lucifer Xenos XIV?"

Wait… When I first met Licht he asked me about my connections to the Xenos Family. Is it the same Xenos Family Ferigo is talking about?

"Ferigo, Sakura-nee, I'm… I'm a demon?"

Yeah, there's that realization too.

I'm a freaking demon?!

"Calm down April."

Sakura-nee pats my head successfully calming me down.

This feels nice. And nostalgic. I wonder why? She never did this before.

"We cannot be certain of that yet. Even if you have the blood of the Xenos in your veins, you showed no instances of being a demon."

Well I do have a <> now you know? But I can't tell you that. Not yet.

"Let's have Ferigo verify it once he returns to Hell."


"Ferigo, you're returning to Hell?"

"Yes Young Master. Before I was sealed by Lady Sakura's grandmother, my last instruction to my retainer was to handle things while I'm away. But if they have encountered a difficult situation and needs my presence, they can break me out of my prison."

I see.

"The fact that my subordinates did the unsealing ritual and got me out of there means my household and legion got into a bit of a snag and they need me to handle it. Something must be happening to Hell."

'Something happening to Hell', huh. A few weeks ago Hope Orphanage became collateral damage due to the conflict of demons and vampires. I always wondered why demons would bother with a territory in the human real when they have the Demon World; Hell, as a home. Maybe it has something to do of why Ferigo was freed by his subordinates.

"Young Master, do not worry, I shall always be at your service. Just call my name and I will be by your side. But for now a familiar of mine will be accompanying you in my absence."

"Oh, this should be good. The Pursons always have the best familiars." Sakura-nee comments.


Eh? Black feathers, black bird. A raven?

"A crow actually since it's a tad bit smaller. His name is Noir, which is translated to black in your language. I admit the quality of my naming is not up to par with the quality of my familiars, but Noir is a very good and strong familiar." Ferigo says with a smile on his face, obviously proud at the little guy.

The crow is perching on my shoulder and it's looking at me. I can feel its red beady eyes studying me. It's probably contemplating whether or not to poke one of my eyes out for its meal.

"Do not worry. Noir is a very obedient and loyal familiar. I already instructed him to obey your every command and to keep an eye on you."

"Ferigo, what kind of ability does this crow have?"

Uwah. He's only smiling. It basically means I have to find out on my own.

"Young Master April, please give me permission to return to Hell and see my household and legion."


It's not like I can always keep him around me anyway.

"Very well do what you must and report to me what is going on. If you need any help, just reach out to me and I will do my best."

Ooh, his face is lighting up. He's like someone who received a gift he really liked!

"Yes Young Master!"

I never thought I'd actually gain a demon servant, a former enemy at that. Looks like I need to do some investigation. Apparently, there's more to myself than what I already know.