The Strange Feeling

Licht and I are alone in my room. Nicco finally saw reason and actually left me to my own devices while Noir flew away, probably to get some food to eat.

I was told by Ferigo that I might be the last descendant of the Xenos Family, which is - no was - was a prominent family in Hell, the Demon World, but no one can actually make sure since I have no idea who my parents are and there are no evidences that pinpoints to such conclusion.

Sure the blood is somewhat undeniable, but I have a feeling that something just doesn't add up. Even with all the previous explanations and Ferigo's existence as my demon servant.

And so I have to ask Licht, the only other demon I personally know, about it since he asked me about my relation to the 'Xenos Family' when we first met. Or at least a few days after that.

"Licht, you asked me about my relation to the Xenos Family, right?" he nods. "Why did you ask me that back then?"

He's being silent. He's either contemplating on telling me about it or…

I don't even want to think what comes after 'or'.

"Answer my question first. Why are you asking me about it?"

He looks serious. His expression is something not his physical appearance should have.

Well, it's not like I can judge him that way.

"Sakura-nee mentioned before that I have become a Demon Master, right? The demon I made a master-servant contract with told me I have the blood of the Xenos Family in my veins."

"Which demon? I mean, is the demon a named one?"

"He is. He is actually the real master of Noir. He's lending me the crow familiar while he's away. His name is Ferigo von Purson."

Licht looks shocked. He's basically frozen on the spot! Is he okay? Why is he reacting this way?


"You made a master-servant contract with Ferigo? That guy? How? Why?"

"I have no idea. He just sucked my blood and all of a sudden he was swearing his loyalty to me for reasons I don't know and then he said I descended from a line of Demon Masters, the Xenos Family, whose last patriarch, Lucifer Xenos XIV, went missing hundreds of years ago. Also, you know that guy?"

He starts mumbling. He's talking too fast actually that I can't make sense of what he's saying. But I heard a lot of swears and curse words towards my first demon servant.

"So? Will you answer my question?" I ask, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"It's because you look like the last patriarch of the Xenos Family."

'Look like'? Does that mean-

"You've seen him? When? How? When?"

"Chill April. Take a deep breath. Anyway, I met the High King of Hell when I was young… err… younger. Anyway I'm older than what I look like, okay? I'm in the same dilemma as you."

Oh stop rolling your eyes at me. I asked a valid question!

"You look a lot like him actually, that's why I asked you what your relation to the Xenos Family is. But if you somehow initiated and completed a master-servant contract with a demon only by drinking your blood, then the possibility of you being a direct descendant is high."


But why do I feel like he's making sense and not making any sense at the same time? Is that normal?

"Other than that, how will we know that's actually what's happening?" I ask.

"I… have no idea." he shakes his head and sighs. "You look like him and are a Demon Master. It's a perfect fit!"

He looks like someone who ran out of option and is deep thought. I guess it's something really puzzling to him as well. I mean, I look like a guy he knew from hundreds of years ago with the same ability. Even I'm worried about it.

All of a sudden, Licht's expression changes to that of worry and panic.

Eh? Why? Did he figure something out or something?

"No, no, no! If they figure out a living member of the Xenos Family is still alive, and someone so young too, they will surely try to get their hands on you! You'll end up either being a puppet or worse, dead!"

What is he even talking about?

Slayer, do you really have no idea what the Xenos Family is?

[Negative. The [Slayer System] is a skill that will help the host become stronger. Being a search engine is not part of the system's operations.]

Really? You used to answer my inquiries.

And now you choose to be silent.

I asked Slayer about it the night Ferigo left but I got the same answer; for short, the [Slayer System] is not google.

But Licht's words got me even more worried. And it didn't help that he just bolted out of my room.


Ugh! Why does my body feel so stiff? Is it morning already?

Why do I feel like I'm sleeping on a really hard bed? Is it because I slept late last night?

Well I couldn't help it since Licht kind of left me before I can even ask him to elaborate what he said. He just bolted out of my room and left me hanging!

Talk about cliffhanger.

But seriously… my body is stiff and my limbs are sore. And the brightness… ugh!

Even though I have my eyes closed, the light that daylight brings is seeping inside my eyelids. Didn't I have the blinds of my windows closed so no sunlight can get in?

I guess I should just wake up since I don't think I can return to sleep at this rate.

I slowly rise from my sleeping position, let out a yawn and stretch my sore limbs. I hear a satisfying crack and let out a deep breath.

Seriously, I'm sleeping in something hard which is obviously not my bed. Did I fall on the floor again while asleep? I tend to do that a lot whenever I'm stressed after all.

I slowly open my eyes and gasp at the spot where I find myself.


Why am I sleeping outside? And in somewhere I don't even know!

It looks like a garden with a really good landscape design.

I was apparently sleeping under a tree that is situated not that far from a pond. I can't even bear to think what would've happened if I ended waking up inside the pond!

What am I even doing here? And where is 'here' exactly?

Was I sleepwalking?

Was I almost abducted but my kidnappers decided to leave me behind? Does that even happen?

"April?" a familiar voice calls.

I slowly turn to the voice's direction and cry in relief when I see Sakura-nee.


"What are you doing here? How did you even get in here?"

"I… I have no idea. I woke up here!"

She's looking at me. I know that look. She's studying me from head to toe, debating whether she should believe me or not.

"Do you regularly have episodes of sleepwalking?" she asks me cautiously.

Do I?

"I… I don't think so, or at least not that I know of." I reply, a little unsure. "I mean, sure I sometimes find myself sleeping on the floor back in the orphanage but that's it."

"Hmm… I should ask Sylvia and Klint."

Oh yeah. They got home last night but my mind was too preoccupied about Licht's words to function correctly last night. I also didn't see Licht last night ever since our conversation.

"Come on. Let's go back to the mansion. I don't think you'll find your way there."

She grabs my hand and leads me out of the garden.

Hmm? Why does this feel familiar?

A memory just popped up in my head about a boy smaller than me – around six or seven years old – being led by someone only a few years older than him.


I'm pretty sure that memory wasn't April Nera's, so that leaves only one other conclusion, that was April Frost's memory.

"Hey Sakura-nee."


"Have we done this before?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I have a feeling that I've been in this same situation before. Someone was leading me by my hand when I was a child. It's a memory and at the same time an impression of sorts."

"Hmm… That doesn't really narrow down to anything specific, after all you still look like a child now."

Seriously this woman. She just knows how to get a critical hit or something.

"Never mind. I'm pretty sure I'll only get insults from you." I complain. I can feel a pout forming on my lips already.

She's laughing! She's actually laughing!

The nerve!

"We better get you some food if you're already this cranky early in the morning."

Can't deny that one.