Cute Bait

Nicco is not weak. Sure, I haven't seen him in action but his level, stats and skills say otherwise. But somehow, he's being overpowered by the woman who calls herself Regina di Angelo.

Wait a minute. 'Di Angelo'? Isn't that the same last name as Nicco?

Are they perhaps siblings? They certainly don't look like each other though.

Anyway, Regina's words rang inside my head. She said I give off the same aura as that thing inside the shrine and he wants to use me as bait to the demon she's after. I have a feeling we're after the same demon though.

Still. She said something about [Shards of the Primordial] and stuff and I couldn't help but get curious at it. Slayer won't answer my question regarding it so there's only one other person that can:

Regina di Angelo.

Now I just have to make sure Nicco doesn't kill her.


Nicco! Why are you suddenly behind her and why are you suddenly trying to plunge your sword on her back.

"Nicco! NO!" I shout which gets their attention.

"What? Why?"

"I need her alive to answer my question!"

In a blink of an eye, Regina is behind Nicco and delivered a neck chop to him. Nicco's body goes limp and he sags to the floor.

"Good job at distracting him. He would've won if you didn't interfere."

Damn it! Nicco!

Oh my gods! She's in front of me all of a sudden.

"You're coming with me."

Before I can even use a skill or try to fight back, she punched me in the gut.

Crap! That was painful! And I can't breathe!

Did she just put me in a headlock?

Damn it! Black spots are dancing in my vision and I'm about to pass out!

I… need… to-




My abdomen hurts.

My head hurts.

Why am I in so much pain?

Suddenly, memories of what happened before I passed out rushes inside my head.

Damn it! That Regina knocked me and Nicco out!

Opening my eyes, I notice that I was slumped on a tree. I guess I'm still somewhere in Mt. Kanlaon, but where?

[Notice. Skills are currently locked.]

[Host cannot use and access the system and the skill list.]

WHAT? Why not?!

Eh? What's this?! Why are there cuffs on my wrists? It's not connected to each other or something, but there's something about the steel cuffs. Should I use ?

[Notice. Skills are currently locked.]

My head suddenly hurts as those words flash before me.

What the hell? Are these cuffs the reason I can't use my skills? I can't seem to take them off though.

"It's no use. Those cuffs are enchanted and disabled your skills. As of the moment you're just a regular kid who has an unusual amount of magic energy around you." says Regina and sits in front of me.

I guess that answers my question.


"Where's Nicco? What did you do to him? And why did you take me?"

"Geez kid, one question at a time. Nicco's back to where I fought him, hopefully still passed out. I did nothing other than knock him out. And I took you because I want to lure my target." she smiles, an eerie one. "You are to become my very cute bait."

She's nuts!

And I'm not cute!

Hmm? This can be a chance!

"Hey Regina."

"Geez kid, you're very rude aren't you? Usually here in the Philippines, you'd call people my age 'ate'[1] or something."

"You knocked my friend out and kidnapped me. I think there's no problem if I'm rude to you."

"You have a point."

She sighs.

Speaking of, she bears the same name as Nicco right?

"Hey Regina." I call.

"What is it?"

"You and Nicco know each other right?"

She pauses. They definitely know each other. Nicco also had a look of recognition when he saw her.

"You… can say that."

She doesn't sound pleased seeing him. Was there bad blood between them?

"We… were from the same orphanage. That's why I bear the name 'di Angelo', the same as his."

I see…

"But how come you don't seem to like each other?"

Now she's glaring at me. I guess I hit a nerve then.

"That's too personal. You can ask Nicco later if you want but for now, it's none of your business."


A pregnant silence envelops us and it's becoming very uncomfortable.

Oh yeah! I had to ask her about something!

"Regina, what's the [Shards of the Primordial]?"

Hey lady. Why are you looking at me like that? Don't act surprised then give me looks of pity afterwards!

Tch! It's the kind of look I hate the most!

"I guess it won't hurt telling you since I'm using you."

Wow. Did she really have to say that? Isn't she a little too heartless?

"The Shards of the Primordial is supposedly a set of legendary relics that was bestowed by the gods to mankind. Some legends say each artifact has varied fearsome abilities that even the gods themselves fear."

Strange. Then why did they give it away?

"The reason they gave it to humans is because no human who wields it can live long. It will consume whoever wields it."


"Another legend is that the Shards of the Primordial are powerful relics that serve as keys to an ancient monster. It is said that if that monster is revived or unsealed, it will devour anything in its path, even the gods. The monster is said to be a creature of darkness that slays and consumes anything and everything."

'Slays' and 'consumes' everything.

That sounds familiar and ominous.

"Well nobody is really sure what kind of creature this ancient monster is but it's a dangerous one. Even without the monster, the shards themselves are dangerous."

"I suppose the [Right Eye of the Primordial] inside the shrine is one of them." I say, giving her a pointed look.

"Yes. According to my research, there are five keys; the Right Eye of the Primordial, the Left Eye of the Primordial, the Orb of Michael, the Orb of Lucifer and the Heart of the Primordial."

Oh yeah. It sounds even more ominous now. How come this is the first time I've heard of this? And the [Heart of the Primordial] that Sakura-nee gave me seven years ago is one of the shards?

The heck! It's the one keeping me alive!

"The Right Eye is inside Kanlaon Heritage Shrine, the Left Eye is somewhere very secure while the whereabouts of the two Orbs and the Heart are currently unknown. There are rumors that the Heart is in Japan though, under the protection of the Maiden of the Stars."

She suddenly looks at me. "Tell me April, why do you give an identical aura to the shards? Do you have one of the shards with you? Which one?"

Not good. I can't tell her.

"Of course I don't! You said so yourself! Any human who wields it doesn't live long! I'm only thirteen too, so do you think I can even withstand having one?"

Please believe it. Please believe it.

"You have a point."


Ah, she believed it.




"April, are you even human?"

What's that supposed to mean?

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"You don't seem human to me." she says.

What's with the smirk on her face?

"At first glance, you may seem like one, but the longer I stay with you, the more I can tell you aren't."

What does she mean? I have always been human. Why is she even saying that?

"I'm human." I say glumly. "I'm human."

I'm human, right?