
The first day of school isn't bad. Well if you include the strange looks students are giving me as I enter the room. They're probably wondering why a thirteen year old is in a first year high school classroom.

They're not the only ones wondering alright.

"Good morning students!" greets the teacher, Mr. Hiiragi. Madam Nakahara, with us in tow, met Mr. Hiiragi on our way to our class, 1-B. She gave each of us a brief introduction and that we were the new students. Mr. Hiiragi didn't really say anything and just told us to follow him.

And that's how we ended up here.

"Before we start with attendance, let me introduce our new transfer students." he looks at us with the same bored expression he has been sporting since a while ago and motions for us to introduce ourselves.

I should probably start since the two aren't exactly the 'me-first' kind of people.

"I'm April Frost! As for my age, I'll leave it to your imagination." I say with a smirk.

I'm not planning on being all nice and friendly if that's what Sakura-nee wants. I'm only sitting in on a class three days a month with the exception of major exams and school programs, so it's not like there's time to actually be on friendly terms with my new classmates.

"Niccolo di Angelo."

Well that was short. Shino's no better either. He just bowed without saying anything.


"This one's Shino Mori." I say. "He's not much of a talker so please don't be mad if he doesn't answer you."

"Well the three of them are in the school's special program so you'll rarely see them inside the campus." our teacher announces.

That's when chaos descended inside the classroom. Okay, maybe not much of a chaos, but questions immediately sprung up after he said those words.

Ugh. Too much noise… my head…

They're all curious about why we're part of the special program but it's not like I can actually tell them the real reason behind it, and I don't know what to say about it either.

"Okay, that's enough!" Mr. Hiiragi says in a warning tone. "They're in the special program because of circumstances and they can't say it, so don't bother. Anyway, try to get along with them."

Wow. What a teacher.

He turns to us and points to the vacant seats at the back of the classroom. "Choose a seat, I'll be doing rollcall."

""Yes sensei[1].""

I guess it's safe to say it went well. Throughout the morning, I can often glimpse curious glances directed at me, Nicco and Shino, but I think nobody's confident enough to approach us and engage in conversation.

It's already lunch and finally! I can get out of the stuffy classroom and eat! I have been starving since ten!

I glance at Nicco who only nods at me, confirming that we're heading to the cafeteria to get food. I look at Shino who's pointing upwards.

"I guess you have your own lunch and you want to meet in the rooftop?" I question, trying to decipher his action.

Ooh, he's nodding. That means I'm right. I guess I'll have the hang of understanding him despite not speaking much.

"Okay. Wait for us there."

Nicco and I head outside to go to the cafeteria.

"Wait April."


"Where is the cafeteria?"

I pause on my tracks and looks at him with wide eyes.

Right. We're new and we don't know the place.

AAAAARRRRRGGGGG! How can I be so inattentive about that small detail?

"Hey!" calls someone.

I turn around and see one of the students.

Ah, it's him, the one who sits in front of me. It's kind of easy to remember him since he has fiery red hair. I guess he dyed it that way? But does WLA permits such a thing?

"If you're thinking my hair id dyed, you're wrong." he suddenly says as if reading my thoughts. "I was born with this hair. And no, I did not read your mind, I guessed them. It's the usual reaction on whoever I meet for the first time."

"I… see. So, do you need something from us or something? You did call us right? I mean saying 'Hey' is not that specific but I assume you're calling me and Nicco."

He pauses.

What's with that look? He looks like someone who's stopping himself from doing something he'll regret.

"You're one cheeky little kid, you know that?" he says with a strained smile.

Okay… Maybe he's trying to stop himself from strangling me.

I only reply with a smile. People who don't know my secret tend to react like that and adults just think of me as an insufferable pre-teen.

"Anyway, yes, I was calling you. I was going to show you the way to the cafeteria. I assume you don't know where it is?"

I eye Nicco who only shrugs his shoulder.

Dude! Why are you acting like Shino now?

"May I have a name?" I ask.

"Oh, my name's Eiji Arata. Now let's go Frost-san and di Angelo-san."

"Uh, just call me Nicco, Arata-kun?"

'Kun'? Why are you acting close already, Nicco?

"Just call me Eiji."

"Then call me April, Eiji."

He nods his head and we start heading to the cafeteria.

Getting food in the cafeteria is like a grocery store during a sale. I can see students flocking the counter for good quality food sold for a low price which is causing chaos.

"Is this, normal?"

My question is a valid one. White Lotus Academy is a prestigious school where the poor and the rich study together, but being this chaotic is definitely not something I expected.

"Err… This is actually the second cafeteria." Eiji answers with a sheepish smile.

"There are two cafeterias?" Nicco asks this time.

"Yep. The first cafeteria is in the next building. Food there is sold in high prices. Well, they use good quality ingredients. White Lotus Academy is originally a school for the rich so there's that." Eiji explains. "The second cafeteria was built around five years ago? Low priced food is sold here to accommodate scholarship students."

"I see."

"Do you want me to show you to the first cafeteria? I didn't get to ask and just showed you this one since this is where half of the students buy their food. So I assumed…"

"It's fine Eiji." I tell him and pat his shoulder.

Well tried to. The damn kid is tall! I have to stand on my toes to reach his shoulder! Have I always been in the small side even though I have the body of a thirteen year old?

"You brought us to the perfect place."


I give him a nod as reassurance and we walk towards the swarm of students.

Now how to get past them…