More Confusion

I stare at the violet crystal in front of me. It's the same crystal that we retrieved from the wood spirit that went berserk a few days ago. Even though I was told it's giving a bad vibe, I can't think of throwing it away.

And a lot of people have been saying that.

I do have my reasons for keeping it. One, the crystal is emitting the same aura as that bastard demon, Levton. I don't like the guy one bit since he killed people I cherish and now finding a crystal that bears the same aura as him is totally unnerving. That guy's off his rockers if you ask me. I'm not sure yet so I can only guess that he has something to do with that rogue spirit. Second, I'm curious as to how the crystal ended up inside that wood spirit. From what I know, spirits live in a different plane than humans, especially demons. The only reason they'd come to the human realm is either being summoned or just being mischievous, but that wood spirit was the former. There shouldn't be an instance where the demons made contact with that specific spirit. And lastly, now that I had a closer look and with the help of my observation, the crystal's emitting a similar aura as that artifact back in Mt. Kanlaon, only a bit… off.

Yes, it feels like Levton's aura, but at the same time it's similar to that [Right Eye of the Primordial], one of the [Shards of the Primordial]. I never really noticed Levton's aura to that relic. For one, I was too consumed by my hate towards him and my mind only wanted to avenge the people I lost because of him. And second, it's been quite some time. I even forgot about that shard's existence until I studied the crystal.

Maybe that's how Levton was tracking the shards? They have the identical aura. Regina did say he was looking for the [Shards of the Primordial], that's how he ended up in Mt. Ilihan and got into a conflict with the vampires. But when I try to compare the aura the [Right Eye of the Primordial] as well the [Heart of the Primordial] that I have against Levton's and the crystal, there are some subtle differences.

The crystal and Levton's aura feels a little… unnatural?

Well, that would be the best word I can think of to describe it.

My hand instinctively reaches out to my chest, on the part where my heart should be. My memories of April Frost's past are still a bit murky. The only clear memory I have was when Sakura-nee arrived and gave me the [Heart of the Primordial], letting me survive from that fiery night.


I need to organize my track of thoughts. If this goes on, I'll go crazy.

The door to my room suddenly opens. I look up and see Sakura-nee make her way to my bed where I'm lying on my back, holding the crystal over the sunlight.

"You're really not going to throw that?" she asks and sits at the edge of my bed.

"Nope. I need to study it. I know you can feel it, how it resembles to the aura I give off, well to the aura of that relic inside me."

She sighs. "Not really. The aura you give off is more… you. Well, it's mostly yours. I do feel faint traces of the Heart within you but only those who are familiar with it can actually tell."

I got no retort to that. She does have a point. But the deafening silence is so awkward!

Wait a minute! Isn't this the perfect opportunity to ask her things?



"Why were you in Kawayan Village seven years ago? And why did you save me? Why did you give me the [Heart of the Primordial]? What is the [Heart of the Primordial]?" I ask consecutively before I can even stop myself.

She's silent. Maybe I asked too many questions at once?


Why am I acting like a kid again?! Damn the inquisitive mind of a pre-teen!

"Uhm… I can slow down if you want." I add, trying to compromise. "I mean, there might be follow up questions you know."

"It's fine." she replies with a shrug. "But you might not be satisfied with my answers."

"It's okay."

"So, why was I in Kawayan Village, right?" I nod. "Kawayan Village is under my jurisdiction. Not as the president of the Onmyouji Union or the leader of the Tsuchimikado Clan, but as the Maiden of the Stars."

There's that name again; Maiden of the Stars. Just what is the deal with that name? Everyone I know who knew about it is either cautious or afraid of it.

[Answer. The Maiden of the Stars is a title bestowed to one of the three Celestial Maidens that is said to be at the top of the magical hierarchy.]

Oh now Slayer answers. Wait…

Really? She's at the top of the magical hierarchy?

I mean I know she's powerful, but seriously? Now that I think about it, despite being afraid and/or cautious towards her, they still treat her with utmost respect. I distinctly remember her having a say in a meeting between the higher echelons of the Church, the Vatican.

"As for why I was there seven years ago, I was visiting a friend." she adds, cutting me off from my thoughts. I saved you because you were about the only one breathing in the village apart from me. I had the means to save you, so I did. That means was the [Heart of the Primordial], so I had no other choice but to give it to you so you can live. As for what the [Heart of the Primordial] is, it's a powerful relic that serves as a key to a seal."

The last part I already knew, but that wasn't really what I was asking about.

Hmm… Why do I have the feeling that she's not being truthful to me? She didn't just hold back in the information she gave, she was being vague about it too.


Upon hearing my name, I look up with questioning eyes.

"Don't worry yourself about such things." she says with a sigh. "Only a few knows about the existence of the shards, and even fewer knows the truth of it. The shards are safe where they are, that includes the heart within you."

What is she trying to say? I really wanted to ask her that, but I had a feeling I'm not going to get an answer, or worse.


"But what if other people start looking for it? Like Levton did?"

"Many have tried to seek the shards since ancient times, only a few of them succeeded but were immediately handled."

Handled? Why does that sound very horrendous?

"Don't worry, I tell you." she reaches out for the crystal and takes it off my hand.

"What are you-"


Why did she- She just crushed the crystal with her hand!


"Why did you do that?"

"To get you mind off it. You have other things to deal with already, do not get distracted."

And with those words she leaves.

The heck is wrong with her?! Why did she do that? That crystal was mine!

"Sakura-nee you meanie."

I will get my answers, no matter what!


Meanwhile, Sakura Tsuchimikado is walking down the hallway. She's on her way to her office where a certain fox man is waiting for her. All of a sudden, her hand glows and the violet crystal she supposedly 'pulverized' in front of April appears, intact.

"Whoever's doing this is playing a dangerous game." she mumbles while staring at the crystal intently. "I should do something about it soon. Alpha, open storage."

A semi-transparent light blue screen pops up in front of her. Using her mind, she puts the crystal in the screen with the label [Storage] and puts the screen away. She continues walking as if nothing happened, grumbling about paperwork.