Red Nails

I'm in a dilemma. At the moment Shino, Clara and I are surrounded by enemies. Even though we took down quite a number of them, new ones popped to replace them or some recovered and went after us again. It was a never ending cycle!

I'm pretty confident in my stamina and I can escape if I want to, but I can't say the same to my companions. Shino is starting to have ragged breath while Clara's wound in the abdomen started bleeding again like a just minute ago.

Tch! I underestimated their numbers. There's too many of them! How did they gain such numbers inside Kyoto?

And Sakura-nee! If we're your bait, where is our back-up?! Shouldn't they be here by now?

All of a sudden, I hear a series of clapping. Well, it's only done by one person but it can be clearly heard due to the silence that is enveloping us. I see Clara tense beside me, her face looking scared.

This is the first time I see her actually afraid of something.

I train my eyes to where the sound is coming from and stretch my senses. I see a figure but I'm pretty sure my eyes widen when I don't sense anything.

The hell is that? The figure is there, but-!

Is this like Clara? I never sensed her the first time we met, that was how she made me her hostage. Does that mean there's someone who can go undetected by me other than Clara Jaeger?

Isn't that bad news?

"Clara. Clara. Clara." says a sweet female voice. I'm pretty sure it belongs to a grown up and from the way her voice sounds I can tell the newcomer is someone who loves listening to her own voice. "Running away like that, the Don is pretty mad you know?"

Clara does not retort, instead she becomes even paler than she was a while ago.

"M-m-madam R-r-r-red."

Crap. She's stuttering! Doesn't that mean the newcomer is pretty dangerous?

A tall woman dressed in a red coat, much like Clara's when we first met, moves closer. Her moves were graceful, like a cat's, but guarded. Her red flowing hair is riding the wind and the most eye-catching about her other than her all-red get-up is her long red nails.

And now that she's only a few meters away from us, I still can't detect her presence.

Damn it!

"The Don is angry, but I managed to convince him that he will forgive you as long as you return to headquarters and continue with your services." the woman in red says.

I don't trust her. She seems one of those people that make empty promises.

I look at Clara and my eyes widen.

She's not considering her offer, is she?

"If I do, will you leave April and Shino alone?" Clara asks her voice almost cracking.


"Sure. I promise they'll be left alone."

I can't help but cringe at her words. I don't think she means it, from the way she said that statement. I don't like her tone.

It's official. I really don't like her.

I hold Clara's hand and looks at her in the eye.

"You're seriously not considering that, aren't you? Clara, she doesn't sound sincere." I tell her, no, warn her.

"Oh? So the little one speaks your language?" Madam Red questions in a mocking manner. I can't help but hiss at her. "Respect you elders little boy."

"I don't respect old hags like you!"

I can see her eyes widen and her sweet smile is replaced by that of outrage. I feel Clara envelop me in a hug and put a hand over mouth, shutting me up. Meanwhile the woman in red is being held back by her subordinates.

"She'll stick by her words April. Madam Red is my mentor, she has always fulfilled her promise." she smiles, rather a sad one. "She'll leave you alone and if I can I will ask the higher ups to not confront the Dawn Union nor make a move on Japan."


Does she really have such a sway? And I don't think that Madam Red will agree especially after insulting her.

Slayer, use .

Hmm? Why does this situation seem familiar?

Wait a minute, isn't it the same when I asked Slayer to use on Clara a few days ago?

Name: Katerina Demitri

Age: 38

Level: 16

Title: [Madam Red] [Sceptre's Seductress] [Chemist]

Katerina Demitri.

The name sounds familiar. Where have I heard that before?

I rack my brain for the answer but then an image pops up in my mind; a nun with a sweet innocent smile.


Sister Katherine?

In my life as April Nera, I know a nun called Sister Katherine; her real name is Katerina Demitri! I don't know Sister Katherine well and we weren't really close since I didn't even go to church that much but I usually visit the orphanage that she manages and that's where I see her.

The hell! The woman in front of me is totally different from the one I know in that world!

Wait, this is a parallel world, so there'll be a few changes. But still, it's a shock that the innocent nun I know is a seductress in this world.

Parallel worlds are scary.

Uwah, and I called her an old hag, but she definitely doesn't look like her age. And she's the same level as Clara too. I have a higher level but then again, I'm not exactly a regular human. I suppose she's stronger than regular humans?

Seductress, huh. I can already guess what her line of work is.

I can't help but cringe. I should change how I view people I know from my previous life. There's no telling they're the same in the life I currently have.

And wait, [Chemist]? Does that mean she dabs in medicine?


Or maybe she dabs in poison making?


>Strength: 1456

>Intelligence: 2028

>Agility: 1397

>Stamina: 1344

>Defense: 1438

Most of her stats are higher than Clara's, so I suppose she's stronger than her in a few aspects. Her intelligence is also in the two thousands, so that means she's pretty smart. If she can manipulate Clara like this, I suppose that's a given.

Skill List:

Hers and Clara's skills are almost the same, apart from two; and . I'm pretty sure Chemistry is a subject, a branch of Science, but it can also be a skill? And ? Does that mean she's good at handling whips?

Also, since she also have that explains why I can't sense her despite being in front of me. It also looks like she can handle that skill better than Clara. Then there's . I'm pretty sure that has something to do with shooting guns.

I tap on Clara's hand, signaling her to let me go. Thankfully she does.

"Now then Clara, let us return shall we?" Sister Ka- I mean, Madam Red (yeah, let's stick with that name) says and offers a hand to Clara.

Clara looks uncertain. It's quite obvious Clara is afraid of Madam Red, and the latter will obviously use that over the former.

It's a twisted way to control someone.

I hold Clara's wrist, shaking my head. For the short time I spent with her, Clara is just like any other teenager, and I think she wishes to be such as well. But her background is complicated and the people after her are even more complicated. Considering my own past, I understand why she's trying to run away from it. And I want to protect that wish of hers.

"If you're afraid of her that you're willing to return to her side, then you probably shouldn't. You'll just be manipulated again and be forced to do horrendous stuff. That's why you ran away didn't you?" I question, my hands firm on her.

"That's… I'm afraid she'll hurt you and Shino. I'll be fine April. I-"

"Stop kidding yourself! A woman like her knows very well how to twist her words and lead you to believe it. Do you really think she'll follow her promise and leave me and Shino alone?" I press on. "She knows we are affiliated with the Dawn Union, she won't let us go that easily."

"But she-"

"Didn't big sister Sakura promise she'll protect you?" I ask her again. "Then I'll promise you the same thing! If you wish to run away from them, I'll help you with it! And if this Katerina Demitri forces her way, then I'll step forward and stop her."

I can hear the gasp of surprise in the background, obviously from Madam Red. She probably did not expect I know her real name. Well, it's pretty much-