The Eiji Arata Abduction Case (V)

Sakura is in her office when she suddenly receives a call from one of the few trusted people she has scattered around the city.

Her usual expressionless face suddenly scrunches up into confusion and then worry.


But then her anger is replaced with worry, and back to anger again.

"THOSE IDIOTS!" she screams, making the person on the other line of the phone wince at the sudden rise of volume.


I probably should've waited for another day or something. Even think of a more detailed and safer plan, but we just have to go with the impulse of our instincts and hormones.


What do you expect from a plan made by a bunch of teenagers? 

Regina doesn't count as an adult since she's the happy-go-lucky person. I don't count either since I'm stuck between the mindset of a young adult and a pre-teen.

Wait, that sounds a little wrong.