Prison Cell

"Why are you guys holding us as a captive?" Yuna asked with her eyes flaring at the palace guard as she stood and watched him lock the prison cell they were in. "How about that prince? He kissed a woman without asking permission!"

The palace guard just looked at her in the eye, "We are just taking orders here, kid. Why don't you just shut up, sleep and explain yourself tomorrow, young lady?" He was a typical palace guard but brought a spear instead of a sword.

Yuna held the wooden prison and yelled, "What kind of answer is that?"

But then, Yuna was met with a heartbreaking silence. As she tried to grab the palace guard's attention, she was only met with sadness and disappointments.

"Just sit here," Min told Yuna with his deep and husky voice. He was sitting with his back on the wall and legs spread out like the whole place was his home. "You can even lie down. There is enough space for the two of us."

Yuna took a step forward and crossed her arms, "It did not seem like it is your first time to be here, Min?"

"Hm?" Min looked surprised with Yuna's question. "What do you mean?"

"I think you were imprisoned here before?" She raised a brow and stared at Min for a long time.

Min awkwardly laughed, and his eyes looked to the right, avoiding eye contact with Yuna. "Huh? I am not sure."

"Min," Yuna crouched right next to Min, her knees touching the side of his thighs. "Be honest with me."

"Maybe, once?" Min looked to the left as he felt pressured to meet Yuna's gaze. "Or twice?"

"No, no!" Yuna shook her head as she held Min's hands. "I don't care if you have been prisoned once or twice. Tell me how on Earth do you escape this prison cell," Her eyes were now glittering with hope, "Whenever you get prisoned?"

"The accusations are pretty groundless," Min explained. "It could be because you provoked a nobleman with the way you talk or look at them."

"So how?"

"The punishments were not really that harsh, flogging was the worst punishment they could give." Min added as he now stared at Yuna's almond-shaped eyes. Her eyes focused on him as it dilated. "But since we created a ruckus and you even showed disrespect to the prince by doing a roundhouse kick, then maybe it will be the end of our lives."

"I am asking you how on Earth did you manage to escape this prison cell," Yuna closed her eyes to calm herself down as she could feel her blood pressure rising. "I am sure that you have never been flogged for your whole life."

"How do you know?" Min asked raised his brows up and down, trying his best to change the topic. "I don't think I have shown you the back of my legs before?"

"You are ridiculous," Yuna said. "Stop with the nonsense and just tell me everything!"

"It is because I have a geokinetic power usually used for combat," Min was careful and observed Yuna's facial expression first.

"A what?"

"Geokinetic power used for combat." Min explained everything word for like he was walking with. "I can infuse earthen materials in my physical attacks, covering ny fists, feet or even body in earth. It can be dirt, stone, sand, metal, salt, crystal and even lava."

"How is that possible?" Yuna became hesitant to believe Min and thought that he was just bluffing. "Stop the nonsense and tell me the truth, Min."

"I am telling you the truth, Lady Song," Min tried to keep his cool as he lifted his shoulder in a half shrug. "I have not told you this but I am person who can do much."

Song Yuna just looked annoyed. She thought that Min would be able to give her a satisfying answer on how he had been able to escape the prison cell even though everything looked secured and the palace guards did not seem like they were too scary for her.

Geotechnical power? Yuna had never heard that before, and it seemed like she doesn't know enough about that. Other possibilities include shifting the earth beneath the user and the opponent or throwing the earth telekinetically.

Yuna felt like she was an alien in the place she was in. But that did mean that she will quickly give up. Not like this!

"Min, why don't you demonstrate to me how you do it." Yuna said as she eyed the palace guards who were sleeping at the side of their prison cell.

"Of course," Min agreed as he bobbed his head up and down, stood up and extended her hand to help Yuna get up at the same time. "I will show you the power I acquired from my ancestors." He continued, "There are only six people in this kingdom that were blessed by the White Tiger of the East."

Yuna grabbed Min's hand as he pulled her up. Min's hand felt warm, and she could feel how the warmth he emitted with his hand just made her feel strengthened.

They would be able to escape the prison room and find the white tiger's statue within the palace. Being stuck with Min in a prison cell did not seem like a terrible idea either.

But Yuna did not want to get flogged, or even worse, lose her life, so she had to go to the White Tiger and make her come back to her world. Well, at least, Min would be able to manage it because he has power, as he claimed it to be.

A Chinese character 'Di', showed at the back of his hand. The second thing Yuna knew was that all dusts and stones were gathered on his right hand. With it on, Min's hand looked two more times bigger than the usual.

And as Yuna blinked her eyes twice, she saw his hand gleaming. It was as if it became the light that would guide them towards the exit of the tunnel.

Min and Yuna approached the wooden prison cells.

"After I can to three, you have to run with all your might, okay?"

Yuna nodded and all preparations were already finished.

"One, two, three!" Min yelled as his right hand pounced the doors of the prison cell and yelled, "RUN!"