Taking A Bath

Yuna noticed a man's figure by the door.

"Min? Is that you?"

No one answered, and she was met with silence. It seemed like Min already went to his chambers the palace guards and maids were already not here as well. Someone was lurking around the room that she could not even sleep a wink.

She did not know what time it was already, and Yuna needed to get a rest. The day has just been too long for her. But then, the man's figure was still standing up straight.

Perhaps, it was someone who requested to get an audience with her, the High Priestess. But why would the man not speak and just stand there? He was just making things scarier for her.

She was sighing deeply. Yuna chose to ignore the man's figure and closed her eyes. She thought that she would not be able to sleep, but the dreamland approached her too soon.

As she opened her eyes, Yuna was in a familiar room. Her study table was there, and even the mattress she was sleeping on seemed real. The sun rays woke her up, and she became so sure that she was already back in modern times, Seoul.

She could even see the laptop she had on her table, her pictures from when she was a kid up until she became a trainee. She could already smell the toasted sliced bread and scrambled egg that her mom made for her.

Inhaling deeply, she could imagine her mom and dad having breakfast peacefully. It was already time for her to get up, take a shower and prepare for another day at school.

She majored in applied music, and almost time for her to graduate in a few months from now. The stress and lack of sleep while going to school and attending extra classes must have caused her to shut down during her visit to the library.

Yuna had to thank Harin when she sees her. She must have been the one who was troubled the most for making her sleep at her house.

Blinking twice, Yuna's eyes started to focus. She was dumbfounded to see the same branch and flowery patterns on the wall. Certainly, she was already back in her room, so why would she see those?

The more she blinked her eyes, the more everything disappeared. Even the smell she of the toasted sliced bread and scrambled egg that she was so sure disappeared.

Rolling over to face the ceiling, Yuna realized that she was still in the same world she was trapped in. Her hands held the hem of her clothes, and that confirmed her. The clothes were still her traditional long skirt and outer jacket.

Finally, back in her senses, Yuna sat up and sighed. She was still stuck in the same world that she became a High Priestess who would summon a mythical creature because of the king's greed who wanted to unite the neighboring kingdoms right next to and become the ultimate ruler.

That literally summarized her whole experience here. Having no choice, she just had to be strong and do what she was expected to do so that she'll come back to her world and finally debut as an idol.

"High Priestess Song Yuna," Her attention suddenly went to the door where she became certain that a palace maid was already standing at the door, bowing her head. "It is already time for you to take a bath."

So what if it was time for her to take a bath. It's not like she did not have her own hands at all—

The door burst open, and there were five to seven palace maids who rallied inside her room. They were all being so formal and scary at the same time since all of them almost looked the same.

"High Priestess, it's time for you to take a bath." The palace maid, who seemed to be the ultimate leader, talked with minimal movements of her mouth. It did not seem like the same palace maid who was assigned for her last night. "Allow us to escort you and help you take a bath."

Escort and help her take a bath—?!

They must be out of their minds——

Before Yuna could even react, her arms were already held by the palace maids, and they dragged her to the depths of hell.

An exaggeration.

Yuna could not imagine being naked in front of unknown women. The good thing was that she yelled and 'used' her authority as the High Priestess and made everyone leave the bath.

It was sophisticated and nice. There was a big circular well in front of her and was filled near to its brim. As Yuna approached, she tried to play with the water, and the lukewarm water looked fresh. It was filled with rose petals, and Yuna definitely knows it was good for her skin.

Taking off her clothes, Yuna immediately put her feet into the well and submerged herself. It was like a swimming pool but did not seem like it too. It was definitely a great healing time for her.

The smell of the whole room was aromatic.

All of a sudden, Yuna could hear a commotion outside the whole room. The door suddenly burst open, and when she turned her head, she could see Prince Won's face.

"You suddenly became a High Priestess?!" Prince Won yelled. "You should already be questioned by now and flogged by now! Why are you having a good time and taking a bath here?!"

Yuna screamed.