In the Same Space (2)

"Min!" The volcano has now burst, and Yuna was on the verge of an explosion. "I told you to take off that jeogori of yours! Is that even that hard to do?"

Slightly panicking with Yuna's sudden outburst, Min immediately took off his jacket, and his bare upper body was shown. He had a somewhat thin body frame but had enough muscles in specific areas. Yuna gulped as he stared at Min's broad shoulders and chest muscles. It was definitely worth ogling at.

Then she lowered her gaze, and she could not help but ogle at his perfectly sculpted abdominal muscles. All of the annoyance Yuna felt earlier disappeared as all her eyes could focus on was Min. She knew that she had always fancied Min and how handsome he looked like even the first time she saw him but seeing someone who had a pretty and handsome face with a body that looked like a Roman God sculpted was beyond the words she could not dare to express.

Wait. Did she ask Min to stay for this motive?

Yuna was now taking advantage of her position as a high priestess and Min being her celestial warrior?

As someone raised in a family filled with love, how can Yuna do this to Min? It was so unexpected of her to do it. She was a rational nineteen-year-old woman who had always been level-headed more than anyone else.

She would not be chosen to debut in the entertainment industry or become the assigned leader of the girl group she's in if she had been a problematic child. She had always thought of herself as someone who follows the rules and upholds moral beliefs. How can she thirst on someone who had been helping her in a foreign land like this?

Slapping her cheeks diligently, Yuna felt that refreshed. It was as if her brain restarted just for a split second, and all the useless thoughts she had disappeared. There were supposed to be no malice in this as she only just wanted to use Min's clothes to dry himself.

After all, Min could go around exposing her upper body. Yuna could not do the same.

With Min still crouching on the floor, Yuna continued. "Hold the opposite ends of the clothing and spread it into your eye level."

Min spread the clothing according to what Yuna said. "Like this?"

"Higher," Yuna instructed, and Min followed her. "The jeogori should cover your eyes. Luckily, the jeogori Min wore was long. Maybe, it was even called durumagi. Yuna realized that she was not that familiar with the clothing anymore. If it served its purpose and is long and could cover her, that is the only thing that mattered.

"I can't see anything," Min complained as he faced Yuna's direction, with just the jeogori as the barrier between them.

"You are not supposed to see anything, Min," Yuna said as she tried to threaten Min. "Don't you ever dare to peek, or else I will kill you."

Min was silent and did not respond. Yuna took that opportunity to get out of the wooden tub she was at. She had been there for forty minutes already; she was so sure that her skin was already moisturized and clean enough that she won't be needing to take a bath for several days.

"Don't you ever dare look!" Yuna yelled as she stood up just right in front of Min. She was becoming nervous for some unknown reason; her heart was beating faster than any weekly evaluations she had during her days as a trainee. She took a deep breath and was about to speak, but the floor and her right foot did not get along very well, and she ended up tripping over.

Yuna's right side of her butt landed on her the floor. It hurt so bad that she let out a scream.

"Lady, are you okay?" Min asked.

"Don't worry after me, I am fine," Yuna yelled as she managed to stop Min from checking on her. "I just slipped."

She was definitely not okay. Her butt hurts so much, and Yuna was so sure that it will become a bruise later on. Having a bruise could have been bad if she was back in her world as a trainee, but it did not seem like she would be able to come back sooner, so maybe that was okay.

She could not afford to give Min a slight chance to peek at her body below his clothes that was used to be the barrier for them.

"Don't look below," Yuna instructed Min. "J-just, don't look at me. This is so embarrassing."

Yes, it definitely was. She could have just ordered Min to go out of the room, and she could just get out of the wooden bathtub and let herself dry with the wind. But she thought that she could not afford to do that simply because she would catch a cold.

And she hated sneezing around.

"Song Yuna," Min mentioned her name, which only occurred at specific times. He always called her 'lady,' 'young lady,' or even 'high priestess' but hearing him call out her name was a first in a while.

As he bent his knee and crouched on the floor, Yuna could see Min closing his eyes tight. He gave his jeogori to her and said, "Make sure to cover yourself with this. Tell me once you are ready."

For some reason, Yuna was becoming more anxious, "Why? What are you planning to do?"

"Lady Yuna," Min sighed deeply with his eyes still closed. "I want you to believe in me. You do know that I have deep respect in you and I would not do anything that you think might be crossing the line."

There are times that Yuna's personality as a leader shines too much that she herself knew that she's bossy. Min follows her well at times, but he leads her well at times. And she always found that exciting.

There was a weird silence in between them. The atmosphere became weird, but she decided to believe in Min. She was the reason why this awkward situation was created after all.

"You believe in me, right?"