An Unexpected Request

"I am not asking for your money, High Priestess," Min commented as he smirked. "I want your body."


Did Min casually say about wanting her body?

Yuna immediately covered her upper body with both of her arms while wriggling her right foot and moved it away from him.

"You pervert!" Yuna spitefully said and glared at Min, who seemed to be just confused about the situation as he waved his hands to disagree with what she said. "What do you mean by wanting my body?"

"No, do not take it out of context," Min said as he tried to calm Yuna's wits by staying still. "I said I wanted you to repay this massage with your body. It is a misunderstanding, lady. Calm down."

"Yes! You said that!" Yuna was frantic, and she scowled at him, struggling with her moving away from Min. "How could I not misunderstand what you said?"

Yuna was breathing heavily. Min chose not to tell more of what she could handle and waited for her to calm down for a bit. When he noticed her letting her guard down a bit, he decided to explain his side.

"I meant I wanted your help," Min explained. "I wanted you to help me. And by body, I wanted you to help me with something rigorous."

Yuna raised an eyebrow, "Me as a woman? What do you expect me to do?"

"You do not really have to be that skeptical," Min said as he rubbed his palms together out of nervousness. "I am going to tell you that it's just very simple/ You just have to dress nicely and ho-ho like a lady here in Goguryeo."

"What?" Yuna furrowed her brows as she found Min's explanation getting weirder than ever. "What do you mean by dressing nicely and laugh like an elegant lady? Are you implying that I am not elegant enough?"

"No, of course not," Denying, Min raised his hands and denied Yuna's sudden conclusion. "Lady, I just wanted to tell you that you have to act like a noblewoman. I mean, your intelligence, wit and knowledge of martial arts make you more undesirable for men in this town."

"Well," Yuna trailed off and realized where the conversation was going. She already had a suspicion but did not say anything until Min tells her all about it. "I do not really have to make myself desirable for men."

"But I need you to help me!" Min replied as he grabbed at Yuna's clothes on the ground. "I only need you to wear the clothes you wore yesterday and not these, indecent-looking clothes."

"What?" Yuna seemed like she was unable to process what Min just said about her clothes. How dare he insult her style and fashion?! "It is not decent? Why? Is it because it's see-through?"

"See-through?" Min looked confused. "I can't understand what you are saying. What is that, my lady?"

"I am asking you if you are purposely saying that my clothes are bad?"

"No, High Priestess—"

"That is what you are implying right now," Yuna nodded as if she understood something. "Do you really even know how trendy these outfits are in our world? Your traditional outfits are tacky, too long, and boring." Rolling her eyes, Yuna fanned herself with her right hand and continued. "What's worse is that it's too hot to wear it anywhere in the palace. You know that we should wear something comfortable because it is summer already."

"Lady Yuna," Min called her out. His facial expression was blank that which made Yuna more furious than she ever expected. "Do you really think discussing clothes is more important than my request and your sprained ankle?"

Yuna snorted, "Of course! Dissing my fashion sense is like dissing my identity as an aspiring fashion icon!"

Min was confused and looked at Yuna like she was an alien, speaking words that did not register with his brain. "Diss? Fashion? Icon?" He furrowed his brows and continued. "What do they mean?"

Yuna could not help but facepalm at Min's reaction. She just could not win with him when it comes to an argument because their vocabulary won't match at all. That was the most frustrating part of life.

She just sighed and made a dull facial expression, "No, nothing. Just forget what I said."

And as Yuna tried to stand up, her ankle acted up. Of course, after massaging, it needs to be rested, and applied with a cold compress. Min only has the power of strength and using the Earth as his ability, and he is not a witch doctor that could cure a sprain in one snap.

The young lady could not even stand properly, but Min could come to her rescue. He held both her arms with his strong hands. Thankfully, Yuna did not fall over. Both of them made eye contact with each other, but Yuna noticed Min lowering his gaze towards her chest.

She glared at him and immediately tightened Min's outer jacket. It could have been that she was moving around too much that it loosened up.

Min cleared his throat and apologized in a small voice, "I am sorry, Lady Yuna."

"Nah, it's fine," Yuna replied. "I know that I have a beautiful face and a gorgeous body." Her narcissism increased by twenty points when she came here to this place for some reason. "Just make sure that I don't find you doing the same again—-"

"Yes," Min avoided eye contact with her and bent down to get the High Priestess's clothes. This time as he turned around while raising his left arm at a horizontal ninety-degree angle, he said, "Just grab into my arm so that the high priestess can start walking now."

"Thank you for your offer,"

"Let me just escort you to your room," Min responded as both of them started walking towards the exit. "So that you can just wear whatever clothes you prefer."

Yuna always knew how much of a gentleman Min was, and she was taking advantage of his kindness and enjoyed making fun of him. Now, she had to remind herself that he is a man as well. Biologically and maybe, gender-wise, right?
