Stepping Up for Someone is NOT that Hard

Stepping up to someone is not that hard. 

Wait, no. 

It is hard. 

Doing it is easy, but deciding to do it is hard.

As a human being, it is normal to think of the consequences first and how your actions would result in something. One is easily broiled up with how everything would result in chaos. 

That is why stepping up is not hard, but deciding to act on it is hard. There are a lot of factors that you could think about. If it is a family member or a friend being treated like shit, of course, you would hesitate but act on it because that is a special person.

If it is someone else, you can turn a blind eye and forget the whole thing. It is easier that way in life.

It is a mindset called, 'As long as it is not me.'

And, well, there is nothing wrong with that. 


Avoidance is okay, but contributing to it is another level.