The Room

"I just came back from punishing those motherfuckers," Prince Won said. "I punched that man's right cheek, and that was the best thing that ever happened."

"You did?" The high priestess blurted out, surprised by the fifth prince's sudden confession. "So that was the reason why you left? Because you slapped that loan shark's face in exchange for slapping me?"

"It was not really because he slapped you, high priestess, don't get me wrong," Prince Won feigned innocence. "I just got annoyed that he dared to interrupt us when we were just about to have our meal. I hate it when someone does just that."

Everyone became silent as the fifth prince started to sit right next to Min. They never get along and will never be, but Min felt bad when Prince Won was the one who did it to that loan shark. Min hesitated, and because of that, he was not able to give the high priestess the justice that she deserved,