The After Effects of Twerking

"How was the feeling of doing twerking, Celestial Warrior Yoon?" High Priestess Song Yuna asked straightforwardly.

Yoon, who had just woken up from being unconscious, looked around and then realized that he was lying on the bed that the high priestess was lying on previously.

A throbbing pain was felt in his head. And a part of it was on his butt and his glutes. Yuna could tell that he was having a hard time moving around. And if she was to judge, she knew that it would be hard for him to walk around for a long time.

And if she were to guess, Yoon had been twerking for almost twenty to thirty minutes straight without any break or rest at that time which may explain the pain he was experiencing and his current state.

The celestial warriors, Min, Prince Won, and Prince Jun, and the high priestess were all present in the room. They relocated to a decent space where the second head of the bandits was there.