The High Priestess Feelings

Min stood next to her, "Lady Yuna. This is dangerous. Please step down for your safety."

He was such a gentleman. Yuna had always liked this feature of his that sometimes, he takes advantage of him at times. Maybe it was because Yuna had opened her heart at him right from the start.

"What?" Yuna asked as she looked down, staring at Min, who was averting his gaze. Why would he be acting shy when Yuna was sure that he did not see anything? "What do you mean dangerous? The horse is even taller than this."

"B-But," Min tried to say something, but nothing came out of his mouth. He was having a hard time trying to maintain eye contact with her when they were talking, so he ended up averting his gaze as he muttered. "It is still not safe. You have to replenish your energy more."

Yuna furrowed her brows as she crossed her arms. "Why are you suddenly acting so weird? Did something happen?"