The Dangerous Game

As Min bent down on her knees, he gestured for Yuna to climb on her back and he will carry her. But she was hesitant to do it.

"I might be heavy,"

"No, you will not be heavy, Lady Yuna," He assured her. "Did you also forget that I am one of the strongest celestial warriors?"

Yuna blushed as she felt self-conscious of her weight. She climbed on Min's broad back as he gave her the cheer that she needed.

"Yes, I think I forgot." Yuna playfully answered with a giggle. "I was still so used to our Min to be a bit clumsy as well!

"Oooh," The old man turned around and looked at both Yuna and Min. "I remembered how I used to give my wife a piggyback ride when we were still together."

"When the two of you were still together?" Prince Jun curiously asked. "Why? What happened to your relationship with her?"