
"If I were honest, I have no idea where the other celestial warrior is." The fifth celestial warrior started with a sigh. Song Yuna was relatively excited to hear about the last celestial warrior." But, unfortunately, all I heard was that he was too young and had the mark on his stomach."

Yuna would be able to go home now. Or maybe get herself as a sacrificial lamb. Whatever results from it may produce, she was ready for it. She would cling to anything that would lead her back to her world.

"Mark?" Yoon intercepted.

Most likely, Heon meant about the fact that the celestial warriors had these Chinese letters engraved on their specific body parts. But she did not answer him and watched them talk.

"He meant this one," Min answered as he showed the back of his hand, the Chinese character on his hand showed.

The first time Yuna saw Min, she had a specific type of attraction with him. Was it because he was a celestial warrior?