Motion Sickness

"How long are we going to ride this thing?" Yuna asked. "I am feeling carsick already."

It has been several hours since they have been traveling. Yuna did not even know why she complained when she knew that the palace was literally way up north of the town of Gyeseong.

How she wished she could use the GPS on her phone to know how far they have traveled already. 

"Carsick?" Lady Boram, seated right in front of her, opened her eyes from sleep and spoke. "What do you mean by that?"

"I meant that I am feeling dizzy after I rode this palanquin for a long time," Yuna shared with her. "I have not felt any motion sickness for a long time."

"It has not been that long," Lady Boram said as she leaned in closer to Yuna. "There are times that you have to ride this palanquin for more than two days."

"Two days?" Yuna exclaimed. "That is ridiculous. I will die from the feeling of suffocation."