The Start of a New Beginning

"Yuna sis," Luda called her out while they were now in the backstage of the skydome. "You seem to be spacing out too much since we did our makeup back when we were in the salon. Are you sure that you are feeling okay?"

"No, no. I'm fine," Yuna replied. It was rare that she would have such a lackadaisical attitude during a showcase.

Normally she was always the first to start smiling and the last to get tired out. But Yuna was still surprised by the things that were happening between her. Luda was probably the only person brave enough to ask, but she figured that would be the last person she would talk about her worries.

She was the youngest member of the group but seemed to be the most thoughtful member as well. 

All of a sudden, Yuna could hear the voice of her mother calling out her name.

"Yuna," called out a middle-aged woman from afar. She could already tell that it was her mother. "Can I go to my princess and meet her?"