You’re Not Qualified To Fight Me

Great Chief Evander gripped the armchair in an attempt to prevent himself from killing the boy then and there. As the Great Chief of the Northern Tribes, he had to be the example for every warrior to follow. 

However, even he was finding it hard to keep his rage from rising to the surface. The boy's mouth was simply too obnoxious that he wanted to rip it apart so badly. Even so, he endured. There was a right time for everything, and now was not the right time.

"Is this the attitude of a Knight Commander?" Great Chief Evander asked. "I expected more from an official of the Hellan Kingdom."

William snorted before he gave his reply, "My attitude depends on who I am talking to. If I'm talking to dogs, there's no need to be polite. Why do I have to act respectful to mongrels who only know how to hide in these mountains? Even a grandma from my hometown has more balls than all of you combined."