Sancus and William’s Fated Meeting [Part 2]

"Little Will, we finally meet face to face," Sancus greeted with a smile. "We don't have much time, so I'll cut the long story short. I am Sancus, the God of Contracts, and I am very pleased that you always choose me to preside over the oaths that you have made in Hestia."

"The pleasure is mine, Sir Sancus," William replied. "I am also very happy to meet you."

The two exchanged a few more pleasantries before Sancus decided to tell him the purpose of his visit.

Sancus patted William's shoulder, "It was quite unfortunate that I wasn't here in the Temple when you arrived. If I was here, I would have also given you a parting gift before you entered the Cycle of Reincarnation. Fortunately, another opportunity has arrived so I'm here to give you the gift I wasn't able to give you before."

Sancus waved his hand and a wooden box materialized out of thin air. He held it with both hands and presented it before William.