The Day The Sky Fell

King Noah stood on the ramparts as his gaze eyed the battlefield. The Ant Army was now crawling up the fortress walls while the defenders fought bravely to repel them. 

Rain was falling from the sky, but this was not ordinary rain. It was the blood of the tens of thousands of Humans, Beasts and Flying Ants that waged war across the skies.

Although King Noah was worried about the disappearance of his son, Prince Rufus, they were currently at war and he could only assign a small number of men to look for his whereabouts.

Lawrence, and the other Archmages of the Hellan Kingdom, threw spell after spell after spell in order to repel the invaders from the Fortress. The Sword Saint, Aramis, was currently thinning out the Ants that were trying to overcome the fortress defenders as well. 

His disciples, Cid and Aerith, were also fighting side by side as their swords claimed the lives of their enemies.