Escape From Ravenlord Citadel

An hour after the adults had turned into crystal statues, a semblance of acceptance had descended among the survivors in Ravenlord Citadel. The injured had been taken care of, and everyone looked to Crown Prince Lionel for orders.

Since the King and the Great General were out of commission, he was the highest commanding officer inside the fortress. Naturally Prince Lionel did his best to make himself look good in front of the warriors, and most importantly, to Princess Sidonie.

However, the Princess remained indifferent to his advances to personally safeguard her own safety. Princess Sidonie stuck close to Priscilla and remained with the Knights of the Angorian War Sovereign, which irritated the Crown Prince to no end.

While he was still thinking of ways on how to get his hands on the Princess, the black-robed members of The Organization appeared in the fortress.