Preparation For A Nasty Surprise

"Arslan, I'm glad that you are still alive!" Paul wasn't able to stop himself from giving Arslan a bear hug after seeing him.

"I won't live for much longer if you continue to crush my lungs," Arslan wheezed as he tapped Paul's back to tell the emotional knight to back away.

Prince Alaric watched this exchange with a smile. He was quite thankful seeing that the strongest Prodigy of the Zelan Dynasty was safe. However, the slave collar hanging on Arslan's neck dampened the mood of the reunion.

William had interrogated Arslan earlier before releasing him from the prison. Naturally, he made up a story that he possessed a legendary artifact that could store people inside it. Everyone looked at him in doubt, except the people that were in the know.

In order to reinforce his lie, William decided to drag Jekyll along and tell them that the artifact was given to him by the Dentist of Lont, who was also a Taotie.