I. AM. NEVER. ALONE! [Part 2]

Two portals appeared behind William and fourteen goats stepped out from it. They positioned themselves in a line in front of the boy, with Ella taking the lead. 

More portals appeared and the Trollhound Cavaliers, led by Fenrir, flanked William's right side. Mohawk and the Cercopes monkeys flanked his left.

The Centaurs lined up behind William, and hundreds of Rainbow Birds circled the sky above them. Psoglav whistled as he saw the massive army in front of it.

"The rewards should be worth all of this effort," Psoglav muttered as it grinned. It had accompanied William for a very long time, and had gotten used to all the ups and downs of being with him.

Psoglav knew that this time, it would be risking its life, but it was also looking forward to the rewards it would gain after the battle was over. 

Scadrez, the Blood Eagle, shrieked mightily as it hovered in the air. Kasogonaga sat on its back and eyed the Elves with killing intent.