When The Past No Longer illuminates The Future, The Spirit Walks In Darkness [Part 2]

In the depths of Hell, several warriors ran in an orderly fashion. These were the members of the Celestial Army that had failed to prevent William from entering the Heavenly Gate. 

The Jade Emperor was lenient with his punishment and only asked them to train in hell for two years before returning to their duties.

Zhu, and Sha, who had helped in William's endeavor had also been thrown into hell as well as punishment for their actions.

The Pig Demon and Sand Demon were enjoying a rare opportunity to drink wine together when one of the personal aids of the Jade Emperor appeared beside them.

"Zhu and Sha, the Jade Emperor has issued a decree," the aid said crispily.

Zhu and Sha immediately knelt on the ground to listen to the decree that was given by the Lord that they had served for thousands of years.