Let Me Eat You. I Promise It Won’t Hurt


"Giant! Kill her!"

"Kill her first before she kills us!"

Xander's forces focused their attack on Chiffon who had just eaten her third victim. 

Naturally, William didn't allow anyone to gang up on her, and swatted anyone that came her way, sending them flying hundreds of meters away. 

The Half-Elf didn't want Chiffon to eat humans, because he was afraid that it might cause her lasting harm when she regained her consciousness.

The giantess, on the other hand, didn't know, or care, about William's intentions. In fact, she was getting annoyed that the one she planned to eat for last was getting in her way. After several attempts of trying to seize the puny humans to be eaten, the Giantess became irritated by the Half-Elf that kept on sending her food away from her.

Chiffon grabbed Ruyi Jingu Bang, and threw it away, along with the red-headed teenager that was firmly holding it in his hands.