I Think I Am Really In Love With You

William Von Ainsworth, that was his name. 

I came to know about it after I mustered my courage and asked for his name. Strange, it was such a good name, how did I forget it? How could I possibly forget the name of the person, who extended his hand to me when I needed it the most?

Okay! This time, I will not forget his name. I will remember it with all of my heart!

"Big Brother, when are we going to leave?" I asked. "I don't have much luggage with me, so we can leave anytime."

Big Brother, Ian, and Princess Sidonie looked at me at the same time.

Um? Why are the three of you looking at me like that? Isn't it a given that I will follow Big Brother wherever he goes?

From what I could gather from our earlier conversation, he was planning to climb a tower named Babylon. This was the first time that I had heard about such a place, but that didn't matter. As long as I was with Big Brother, any place we went would be wonderful!