The Final Match Of The Tournament Of Champions [Part 1]

Today, the number of people in the Grand Arena had far exceeded the number of the previous matches.

It was quite understandable because this was the Final Match of the Tournament of Champions. Today, the greatest prodigy of the young generation would be crowned. A day before the match started, all the seats in the Grand Arena had all been sold out.

Business minded individuals had used this opportunity to auction their tickets, so that they could profit from the grand event. 

The rulers had already taken their seats and were looking forward to the outcome of the match. This was the last match of the tournament, so they wanted to see it until the end. 

Empress Andraste had a confident smile on her face. For her, this match held no suspense. She had complete faith in her daughter. Even though her daughter had mentioned in passing that Kenneth might be one of the Deadly Sins, the Amazon Empress wasn't too bothered.