The Juggernaut Of Hestia Academy [Part 2]

William summoned his wooden staff and took a fighting stance. 

Chloee, on the other hand, just crossed her arms over her chest. She had a confident smile plastered on her face. For a brief moment, William felt that no matter what he threw at her, the little Familiar in front of him would be able to withstand it without fail.

"Are you ready?" William asked.

Chloee didn't answer. Instead, she raised her right index finger and made the "come and get me" gesture at William.

William took a step forward and charged at her directly. Since he wanted to test Chloee's abilities, he should be the one to initiate the attack.

With a powerful thrust, William's staff came flying towards the small familiar in a straight line. 

Chloee hovered in the air with her wings flapping behind her back. She had no intention of dodging William's attack. In fact, she, too, wanted to know what the Half-Elf was capable of doing.