Tomorrow, I Will Paint Again Tomorrow

When William opened his eyes, he found himself back inside his room in the dormitory room. 

The windows were open, and yet, the room was dark. The Half-Elf tried to recall what happened before he lost consciousness. Slowly, but surely, the images gradually resurfaced in his memories, giving him a clearer picture of what Shannon looked like. 

Inside the room, there was a young lady sitting on a chair and holding a brush in her left hand. She had long white hair, and her eyes were purple in color. The thing that stood out the most about her appearance were the ears that were on top of her head. 

Shannon's ears didn't resemble those of any humanoid species. They looked like fluffy Beastkin ears that he had seen in some comics and T.V shows back on Earth. 

William couldn't recall if they were cat ears, or fox ears because her smooth, and soul-stirring voice, made him unable to form any coherent thoughts.