Dreaming of Happy Dreams

'It hurts…,' Lilith panted as her hands clenched the bed sheets. 

She had never felt this kind of pain before and it almost drove her crazy. It was as if she was being split in half, and the searing pain made her unconsciously bite her lip. 

Lilith didn't know how long it lasted, for every second felt like days, and minutes like years. 

Blood stains dyed the white sheets as Lilith lay on the bed, bereaved of strength. She had already lost consciousness at that point, and tears streamed down at the corner of her eyes.

"That was more intense than I thought," Raizel said as she, too, panted for breath. "It's so hot."

A minute later, the young beauty collapsed over Lilith's body, bereft of consciousness. 


William had been told to go somewhere far away from Raizel's room for the time being, because Raizel knew how sensitive his ears were.