The Answer Is Yesn’t

"So you're here," Cathy said as she made a gesture for William to come closer to her bed. "Come. Our battle will be Legendary!"

The corner of William's lips twitched as he looked at the carefree woman who was looking back at him with a confident smile on her face. 

Girl, what kind of battle are you talking about?

Even so, he still went to her because his bloodthirst was truly getting out of hand. William believed that in his current depraved state, only Cathy would be able to quench the thirst that had taken hold of his senses.

A sigh escaped Cathy's lips as she patted William's head. The Half-Elf was doing his best to not greedily drink her blood in one go because he was afraid that he would sink his fangs too deep and cause irreparable damage to her body.

William sparingly drank the pretty lady's blood in a controlled manner, which made Cathy sigh in pleasure.