When Love And Hate Collides

When William opened his eyes he found himself in an open field. 

After propping himself to a sitting position, he tried to recall how he arrived to where he was, but no matter what he did, he couldn't remember anything.

"The last thing I remember was eating and drinking with Hebe last night," William muttered as he subconsciously smacked his lips as if to recall the taste of the wine last night. 

However, the thing he tasted was different, which made him blink in confusion.

'Milk?' William thought. 'I don't remember drinking any milk last night? Am I still drunk?'

The Half-Elf immediately rejected the idea because his mind was very clear right now. He could even observe the tiny particles that were rising up in the air because of his incredible vision.

While the Half-Elf was still wondering how he ended in the open field, a lightning bolt landed a few meters away from him.