Lightning Thief

"I will kill you!" Dias roared as he raised his hand to retrieve the Red Lightning-bolt that was still at war with Mjolnir above the heavens.

After hearing its Master's call, the Red Lightning bolt reluctantly returned to its owner. Mjolnir danced in the sky as if saying that it was the winner of their match before flying back to aid William in his battle.

After retrieving his weapon, Dias dived into the sea to clean the filth off his body. He never felt so humilated in his entire life, and this time, he was feeling murderous. 

He knew that the other Gods were spectating in his battle, so the shame he felt was multiplied tenfold. Right now, the only thing he wanted to do was to kill William and feast on his blood. 

"You have successfully angered me!" Dias roared as he rose towards the sky. Thunder and lightning crackled around his body which showed how truly angry he was.

William scoffed at the God who was spouting b*llsh*t.