Redheads Cannot Be Trusted!

"... Are they still following us?" Belle asked.

William smiled as he lightly squeezed Belle's hand. "Yes. Your friends seem to really care about you."

After leaving the cafe, William and Belle strolled through the city. They had no particular destination in mind, so they just randomly checked different places as they went.

Paula and Hana followed them from a distance while staying out of their sight. However, who was William? If such amateur stalking skills were to get past his detection then his training in Hestia would have all been for naught.

"If you like, we can try to lose them," Belle proposed.

William shook his head as he walked steadily. "There's no need to lose them. If we suddenly disappear from their sights, they will certainly panic. Who knows? They might even do something reckless in their attempt to find you."

"Thank you, Will."

"You're welcome. By the way, are you tired? We can rest if you want."