A Price That He Didn't Want To Pay

It was not only William who felt helpless with the current situation that they were in. 

Raymond, Adele, Belle, Paula, and Hana, who were inside the helicopter, had a birds eye view of what was currently happening in the city.

People running through the streets, screaming and crying for help.

Cars crashed against each other as they tried to get as far away from the Golems as possible. 

People along the borders of the city were banging on the barrier with whatever they could smash at it, in the hopes that they would be able to create an opening and get through it.

The Policemen tried to assure the people that everything was going to be fine, but were unable to quell the fear and anxiety that was taking hold of everyone's senses.

If there were two words that could be used to describe the current circumstances of K-City they would be none other than Complete Pandemonium.