Can I Be Part Of Your World As Well?

Shannon shuddered as she hastily put down her brush. The scene that she had seen just now was something that she didn't want to see ever again.

"I didn't know you were this evil," Shannon cursed as she gazed at the canvas in front of her. "I misjudged you!"

The drawing of a teenager, who was caught in the act of thrusting the diabolical tool in his hands into the backside of the Flying Armored Elephant, was revealed on Shannon's canvass. The scene was so vivid that anyone who saw it would feel a sense of dread at the barbaric practice that would make anyone have the strong urge to cover their backside.

Shannon had seen more gruesome things, but she was sure that the vivid scene she saw would forever be retained in her memories.

"I need to burn this," Shannon muttered as she conjured blue flames in her hand. "I need to burn this fast."