I Will Do Things In Modedation

Inside William's Villa, the different Patriarchs of the Clans that had decided to side with him had gathered in his conference room.

"So, are there any problems with your new homes?" William asked with a smile. "If you have any concerns, don't hesitate to tell me, or Charmaine when I'm not around. I will try to accommodate your requests if it is possible."

"In regard to that, Lord William, the One-Horned Clan has no complaints whatsoever," Polox the Patriarch of the One-Horned Clan replied. "We are very satisfied with the accommodations that you have given us."

Karath, the Patriarch of the NIghtshade Clan, nodded his head in agreement. "We were prepared to endure any harsh living conditions, but compared to what we imagined, this place is simply paradise."