Have You Heard About The Nine Realms?

William sat facing the silver-haired fairy in front of him in one of the most famous inns in the city of Camelot.

Right now, he needed to gather information, and there was no better individual to ask than the person in front of him right now. 

In the past, the beautiful enchantress had played a big role in his life. She was there when he was lonely, she was there when he felt sad. But, she wasn't there when his father exiled him from Camelot and sent him to Tintagel Castle to live out the remainder of his life.

"Do you still hold a grudge about what happened back then?" Morgaine asked. "There was simply nothing I could do about it, Will. I'm sorry, but my hands were tied back then."

(A/N: In order to prevent any confusion between characters in the story, Morgan Le Fay will be called Morgaine for dialogue segments in this arc.)