New Era Of Death And Rebirth

With everything collapsing around them, including the sky, the Giant Dragon-like Leviathan and William, who had fused perfectly with Sun Wukong, stared at each other.

Both knew that if they unleashed one more powerful attack against each other, the Dungeon of Atlantis, and perhaps the city of Atlantis itself wouldn't survive the aftermath. 

"S-Stop this!" Triton, who barely managed to survive the clash of the two titans shouted. "If this continues, Atlantis will be destroyed!"

William and Levithan continued to stare at each other. Even if Triton didn't say anything, they didn't dare to continue fighting because Atlantis was precious to both of them.

The black-haired teenager needed to conquer the Dungeon of Atlantis, in order to have the city of Atlantis become part of his strength.

Leviathan, on the other hand, was bound by an Oath by the God of the Sea to protect Atlantis at all cost, and prevent its destruction.

"What now?" Leviathan asked.