Have A Taste Of Deez Nuts

"Well, hello there, two beautiful ladies," the Six-Eared Macaque said with a smile. "Nice weather we are having, eh?"

The sky above his head had already darkened, preventing the light of the sun from passing through. Lightning streaked in the sky and thunder boomed like the roaring of hundreds of lions.

"Yes, this is indeed a very nice weather we're having," Astrape replied. "Now. Will you kindly hand those two ladies over to us? Or must we take them by force?"

"Either way is fine with us," Bronte commented with a smirk. "You pride yourself with your speed, right? I wonder who is faster, you or us."

The Six-Eared Macaque snorted before giving his reply.

"Are you challenging me, darling?" the Six-Eared Macaque asked. "Even with these two ladies in my hands, I dare say that only a handful of beings can catch me in this world."