Seducing Two Virtuous Ladies [Part 1]

"It's no use… this is impossible," Melody sighed as she looked at the score in front of her. 

She had tried to fight Gullinbursti in Dance Dance Evolution, and out of the twelve matches they had, she wasn't able to win once.

The unnerving very slow arrow that seemed impossible to hit perfectly had become hers, and Shana's nightmare. 

"..." Shana had no words to say as she stared at the little golden piglet that was now eating bacon strips in front of her. Just like Melody, she hadn't beaten the piglet even once. 

The closest to winning they ever got to Sharur was when both of them had 12 Perfect! Scores in Boom Boom Collar. However, on the 13th and last arrow, Shana had only gotten a Great!, while Gullinbursti had a Perfect! Score, allowing the golden piglet to win the match.

Shana had been so frustrated that she no longer fought afterwards, leaving Melody to take one for the team.