Spending Eternity With Him, Wouldn’t That Be Wonderful?

(Disclaimer: Trust me. This is not an R-18 Chapter.)


Ashe greedily licked Williams… as Princess Sidonie kissed his lips, sliding her tongue inside of it.

Morgana, on the other hand, was leaving kiss marks on the black-haired teenager's body, while his fingers teased her insides, preparing her for what was about to come next.

This was William's fourth day inside Lust's Abode, and Ashe, Princess Sidonie, and Morgana all knew that he would leave them soon to look for Celine, who was pregnant with his child.

Because of this, they decided to take the initiative and pin William down any opportunity they got, preventing him from leaving their private residence, and simply indulged in pleasure day by day.

'... Can't you guys tone it down a bit?" Erinys grumbled. "I'm trying to sleep here!"

She was currently staying inside Ashe's room because she and William would be leaving when morning came.