The Mind Forgets, But The Heart Will Always Remember

"Everyone, brace yourselves!" Titania shouted as she poured her power into the vines she had used to create layers of protection for their army. 

A few seconds later, the entire land shook as an earth-shaking explosion rocked the entire Forbidden Ground where the Palace of Light was located.

Everyone within a two-mile long radius of the explosion was either blown away, or obliterated by the explosion that resulted in the deaths of countless lives. 

The barrier protecting the Palace was completely shattered, killing the defenders who stood on the front lines. 

The once shining beacon of the Holy Order of Light lost its luster, and had dimmed considerably after the barrier was destroyed.

The Altar of Life where the Pope was located, including the magical circles where the Heavenly Virtues were, had a separate barrier, so they were left unharmed by the explosion.