She’s Not Really Going To Castrate Me, Right?

William made his way back to their temporary house where Shannon and Erinys were waiting for his return.

The half-Elf had thought a lot along the way, and it all boiled down to one thing.

He needed to regain his memories.

In order to do that, they needed to return to the Central Continent and gather the seven ladies who would allow William to meet the Virtuous Lady of Hope, who Optimus insisted held the key that would allow him to regain all of his memories.

"Welcome back, Will," Erinys greeted the Half-Elf as soon as William stepped inside the house. 

She had been very worried about him, but Shannon told her that the red-headed teenager needed some time to sort out everything in his head. Because of this, Erinys didn't bother him and stayed inside the house with Shannon and waited for him to return.

"I'm back, Erinys," WIlliam replied with a smile as he sat beside the Half-ling.