Control Your Own Destiny, Or Someone Else Will

Celeste gazed at William with a complicated look on her face.

The Half-Elf was currently inside her room, within the Main Flying Flagship of the Holy Order of Light. 

William said that he wanted to talk to her in private, so she invited him inside her room to talk. However, the first question that the Half-Elf asked had surprised her, making her unable to reply right away.

"To be honest, I don't know if there is a way to revive a familiar that has died," Celeste stated. "There are only two Familiamancers in this world. Me, and you. So, I can't really answer your question. But…"

"But?" William looked at Celeste with such an intensity that it made the beautiful Elf flinch.

"But, I know someone that might know how to do it."

"You do? Is he also a Familiamancer?"